Gloomhaven Scenario Book

# 6: Decaying Crypt

New Location :

“Well done, sirs,” the figure lilts. “My, my, but you do have a way about you, don’t you?” And you’ve certainly gotten our attention now, removing this troublesome crypt of its rogue undead element. We very much prefer our undead to be the controllable variety, now don’t we?” There is a long pause as the figure stares at you, still grinning. “Well, perhaps you’d be so kind as to do us another favor? After which we’ll be mostly settled on the whole issue of you murdering some of my brethren.” He stops grinning. “There’s a necromancer in Gloomhaven. Been giving us a spot of trouble, sending mercenaries out to do her dirty work against us. Maybe you’ve met her. “Kill Jekserah. Bring her head to our headquarters, and we’ll see about letting you live.” 8

Gloomhaven Warehouse 8 (C-18)

Party Achievements :

Jekserah’s Plans Dark Bounty

Reward : 5 gold each

Loot all treasure tiles Goal : The Power of Enhancement (Global) and The Merchant Flees (Global) COMPLETE Requirements : # 7 Vibrant Grotto Links: None C-12

Introduction :

breaths, fading a little out of view with each exhale. “Yes, I did agree to help you. I had hoped the memory was a nightmare of some kind, but it wasn’t, so that can’t be helped now. The least you can do in return, however, is to warn me before you cross the threshold.” She gives you an icy stare. “So what do you want, anyway? Let’s make this quick.” You explain to her the situation with Jekserah and the need to locate where she is hiding. “Ah, a simple scrying matter? Well then, we are in luck,” Hail begins. “Or rather, I’m in luck. The main component I would need for such a task is biteroot, and I ran out of it just last week. I was going to gather more, but now I can just send you out to get it instead. “Everyone wins! Except those infernal forest imps who terrorize my usual gathering spot. I hope quite a few of them will end up dead.” A small map drops in your hand, and, with a wave of Hail’s arms, a sudden, powerful force

pushes you out the door. “Remember: ring the bell when you come back and wait forty- seven seconds before entering the door!” You are able to follow the map to a network of small caves just north of the Dagger Forest. The place is teeming with life: lush, massive plants, as well as a number of hostile animals and imps. You prepare for their attack. The treasure tiles can only be looted using a Loot action. They cannot be looted by normal end-of-turn looting. Special Rules : You pull up the last bush and hack away at its root. The grotto is still alive with many hostile creatures, but with your packs now full of biteroot, you make a quick retreat, eventually finding your way to the Stone Road and back to Gloomhaven and the Crooked Bone. Conclusion :

You gingerly step into the entryway of the Crooked Bone, careful to avoid the broken glass, nails, and other treacherous things. You glance around the room and see nothing but the usual detritus. Before you can call out to Hail, though, an explosion from an upper room violently shakes the entire building. “Damn it all to the abyss!” Hail’s disembodied voice yells out. “I set up my work in the most out-of-the-way, uninviting, decrepit little hovel, and grand idiots still manage to stumble in and disrupt my research.” The translucent woman suddenly appears before. “You do know that your mere presence in this building changes the flow of the ether, causing unanticipated currents that produce catastrophic consequences, right? I mean, how could you not know that?”

Hail closes her eyes and begins to take deep


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