Gloomhaven Scenario Book

Occupy both pressure plates Goal : The Voice’s Command (Party) and The Voice’s Treasure (Party) COMPLETE Requirements : Ancient Defense Network Links: Timeworn Tomb – #41 Introduction : “There is but one vessel left,” the Voice calls to you. “We are so very close. simultaneously # 40 F-12 a

“The last group that worked to imprison me was a guild of humans who have long since passed from this earth. Even their graves are no longer known in this time.

“But I know. I know all.”

Visions of a tomb fill your head. It is rife with traps and other deadly instruments. You somehow have knowledge of how to find it, deep under the eastern Coppernecks. “The vessel was buried with the head of the guild, in a tomb designed to kill all those




Flame Demon

Living Corpse

Stone Golem

Cave Bear

Forest Imp

Pressure Plate (x2)

Treasure Tile (x1)

Damage Trap (x6)

C1a K2b M1a Maps : D2a L1a A4b D1a




Trap (x4)

Hot Coals (x11)

Nest (x4)


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