Gloomhaven Scenario Book

# 47

Lair of the Unseeing Eye


Links: Gloomhaven

Kill the Sightless Eye Goal : Through the Trench (Party) COMPLETE Requirements :

Boss Special 2 : Before attacking, the Sightless Eye summons one normal Deep Terror for two or three characters or one elite Deep Terror for four characters. Conclusion : With the giant eye dead, all of its minions wither and die with it. Thankfully, the room stops shaking as well. You can’t get out the way you came in, but you are able to explore the structure further, free of the crushing dread that permeated the air previously. 51 It is a long journey, but you find your way out of the trench, return to the boat, and head back to Gloomhaven, resolving to never do something like that again.

Introduction :


You wander through the massive stone structure beneath the waves for what feels like hours. Somehow the lack of any sign of life in this place makes it all the more terrifying. There is only a horrid stillness that eats away at you with every echoing step you take. And just when you feel as though you cannot go any farther, you feel its presence. Something old and powerful waits for you at the end of this corridor. It calls to you, inviting you to climb into its open maw, embracing the sweet release of infinity. This is what you came to defeat, but without even seeing it, you are filled with unending hopelessness. You cannot even dream of defeating such a creature. You shake your head and attempt to guard yourself from the negative feelings. You didn’t swallow those throat-crushing breathing spheres and swim down to the bottom of the ocean just to fail now. You must move forward. You must destroy this threat. Special Rules : Add three CURSE cards to each character’s attack modifier deck as a scenario effect.

You reach the final chamber and find the horrible creature—a giant eyestalk with a gaping maw full of teeth instead of an iris. Once again you feel its influence. You begin to see the pointlessness of your actions. You understand that giving into its warm embrace is the only true course of action. But once again you refuse. It grows angry at this, undulating its many tentacles in hostility. The room shakes violently and the corridor from which you entered begins to collapse. You may have resisted its maddening call, but the fight is far from over.

Special Rules :

New Location : The Void 51 (A-15)

At the end of each round, all characters and character summons still occupying the J tile suffer 3+L damage. The Sightless Eye cannot be forced to move or change positions in any way.

Global Achievement : End of Corruption

Boss Special 1 :

Before attacking, the Sightless Eye summons one normal Deep Terror for two characters or one elite Deep Terror for three or four characters.


M1a J1a Maps :




Deep Terror

Harrower Infester

The Sightless Eye (Boss)

Water (x9)

Treasure Tile (x2)


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