Gloomhaven Scenario Book

Kill all enemies and loot the treasure tile Goal : “Finding the Cure” personal quest Requirements : Forgotten Grove # 59 F-1

Links: None

Introduction :

you back to her lab and hands you a small circular device. “That should do it!” And the compass does prove to be successful. After a day trudging through the dense forest, you come upon a peaceful, secluded grove. Or, at least, it should be peaceful. Instead the place is teeming with wild, angry animals, eager to sink their teeth into unwelcome intruders. Special Rules : The treasure tile can only be looted using a Loot action. It cannot be looted by normal end-of-turn looting. Conclusion : With steely determination, you fight your way through the wild animals and reach the

plant you seek at the back of the grove. When you lean down to inspect it, however, you see that the plant bears no fruit. It has been harvested very recently. With confusion you glance around the grove, looking for clues to where the fruit could have gone. That’s when you see the deep axe marks in all of the trees around you. Someone chopped at the bark, not intending to cut the trees down, but only to wound them. Whoever it was wanted to anger the wildlife and have them viciously attack whomever came to this grove. And then you notice the faint tracks of a Quatryl in the dirt. That conniving little... 60

It’s a gruesome process, harvesting the essence of the Forest Imps you’ve slain, but nothing will stand between you and saving your village. You saw worse when the old blacksmith started bleeding from his eyes. With enough essence in hand, you head to the alchemy wing of the University, where one of the researchers had promised to help you locate the curative plants found deep within the Dagger Forest. “It will take some time to isolate the compound,” the helpful Quatryl says as she pours the liquid into a large beaker. “Once I have it, though, I should be able to form a sort of compass that will point you to the grove you seek.”

New Location : Alchemy Lab 60 (B-15)

It takes a week, but the Quatryl finally calls


Thorns (x3)

Treasure Tile (x1)

Cave Bear


Forest Imp

IMMOBILIZE and Damage Trap (x3)

Bush (x3)

Log (x3)

Tree (x3)

A4a D1b M1b Maps : L3a


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