Gloomhaven Scenario Book

Kill all enemies Goal : Water-Breathing (Global) COMPLETE Requirements : Underwater Lagoon # 64 K-16

Links: Gloomhaven

Introduction :

map. Rowing to their center, you ingest the horribly constricting breathing spheres and dive down beneath the waves. After getting your bearings, you manage to see a conspicuous tunnel and swim down through it until it turns upward and you emerge from the water into a beautiful earthen cave full of colorful, crystalline plant life. In the distance, you see a pool of water that radiates a vibrant shade of blue. Unfortunately, you also see the more hostile forms of life that inhabit the cavern. Oozes stir at your presence and advance toward you, hungry for an easy meal. Conclusion : Finally, a peace falls over the cavern and you take a moment to savor the calm. You’d love to spend hours here, so far removed from the rigors and annoyances of everyday life. But the captain said he wouldn’t wait long, and getting stranded here would certainly not be ideal.

You take one last moment to breathe it all in, then head back through the cave and jump into the underwater tunnel. Luckily the merchant ship is still right where you left it, so you row over to its side and get hoisted back on board. The captain casts a suspicious eye toward you, as if perhaps you might be possessed by whatever spirits he’s afraid of, but somehow you pass muster and the ship sails back to Gloomhaven.

“Looks to be off the coast of the Chained Isle,” the ship captain says as he studies the map you found. “I won’t be mooring anywhere near that wretched place, but I’ll get you close enough for you to go explore this underwater cave of yours with a dinghy and a bit of swimming.” It seems like a solid enough deal, so you shake hands and head out into the open water on the captain’s trade vessel. Not too far out to sea, a large mass of land appears on the horizon. After another hour, the captain drops the sails and the ship stalls in the water. “Close enough, I’d say,” the captain says. “Crew’s starting to get shifty. We’ve approached from the west side, so you should be able to find your landmarks when you get near the shore. We’ll be waiting for you here when you return. Though if the spirits take you, we won’t be waiting too long.” You board the dinghy and begin rowing toward the island. Luckily, it doesn’t take too much time to find the triangle of rocky outcroppings along the coast detailed by your

Reward : 10 experience each


M1b K1b D2b Maps :


Forest Imp

Rending Drake

Treasure Tile (x1)

Damage Trap (x3)

Water (x17)


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