Gloomhaven RuleBook

Monster Turn

Monsters’ decisions are controlled by a system of action cards that automate what the monsters will do on their turn in the initiative order. They are not controlled by a separate player. All monsters will perform the actions listed on their ability card for the round in the order written. They will not move or attack unless these actions are listed on their card. N ote that each type of monster can come in two ranks: normal and elite . Normal monsters are designated with a white stand and elite monsters are designated with a gold stand. When an elite monster acts, use the statistics in the “Elite” section of the monster statistic card. O RDER OF ACTION Al l monsters of the same type take individual turns at the same initiative value listed on their monster ability card. All elites of a type activate first, then the normal monsters of that type activate . If more than one elite or normal monster of a given type is present on the board, then the monsters activate in ascending numerical order according to the numbers on their tokens . a

Example: With the setup to the left, the elite monster to the right will activate first, then the other elite . Next the normal monster on the top will activate , then the lower monster . Even though is lower in numerical order than and , and are elite, so they activate first. 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 4

Living Bones



1 a

5 6 3 4 1 2 - -

Target 2 Shield 1

Shield 1 Target 3





In addition to determining order of action, the number on the monster standee corresponds to a section of the monster stat sleeve that can be used to track damage and condition tokens. a b

MONSTER FOCUS Before performing any action on their ability card, each individual monster will focus on a specific enemy— either a character or character summon. • A monster will focus on the enemy figure it can perform its current attack against using the least amount of movement. It finds the shortest possible path to get in range and line-of-sight to use its attack, and the figure that can be attacked at the end of that path is the focus. This enemy figure is considered the “closest.” It doesn’t matter if the monster can’t get within range to attack with its current movement, as long as there is a path to eventually get within range. If a monster does not have an attack listed on its ability card for the round, it finds a focus as if it had a melee attack. In the case where the monster can move the same number of spaces to get within range (and line-of-sight) of multiple enemy figures (e.g., because it starts its turn within range of multiple enemies), proximity from the monster’s current position (i.e. number of hexes they are away, not counting through walls) is then checked as a tie-breaker for determining “closest.”


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