Gloomhaven RuleBook

then it is no longer around to be pushed onto a trap or cursed.

Do I have to push or pull the full amount? Like any added effect, you can choose not to apply it, but if you do, you have to use the full push or pull effect. The only time the full push or pull may not go into effect is if there are obstacles or figures in the way and you may chose a blocked direction even if an unblocked one is available (note, however, that you can push or pull enemies through other enemy figures, they just can't end the movement in the same hex). Also keep in mind that if multiple push or pull effects are applied with the same ability (due to attack modifier cards), you can choose to apply or not apply them separately (e.g. if your ability applied a "push 1," and your attack modifier card applied a "push 1," you could decide to push 0, 1 or 2 since they are separate effects).

Can I target allies with push/pull abilities? No, allies cannot be targeted at all, even if the ability isn't an Attack.

Can flying monsters be pushed into traps? The can be pushed into hexes with traps, but doing so will not trigger the traps.

If an enemy dies from trap damage, who gets credit for the kill? The credit goes to whomever causes the trap to be sprung, not the whomever who made it. If the enemy moves onto a trap on its own, no one would get the credit.

If an enemy dies from WOUND, who gets credit for the kill? No one.

If I end my turn on a hex with hazardous terrain, do I take any additional damage? No, you only take damage when you enter the hex.

When exactly does retaliate trigger? Retaliate triggers after all effects of an attack have been applied. If the retaliating figure dies from the attack, the retaliate does not trigger because the figure is removed from the board beforehand. If the retaliating figure is pushed out of the range of its retaliate, it also does not trigger. However, if it is pulled into retaliate range, it would trigger. Is retaliation targeted? If I am invisible, can monsters still retaliate against me? Retaliation is not targeted, so it is unaffected by invisibility. You can still be retaliated against while invisible. Can I hit my allies with area attacks? No, unless the action specifically states that you do. An area effect ability shows you the hexes that you can target with an attack, and you cannot target allies with attacks under any circumstances, so, in general, allies are safe from your abilities. Certain classes (the Cragheart, for example), however, have abilities that specifically state that allies in certain situations suffer damage or gain negative conditions, but these cases are clearly stated on the ability cards.


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