Gloomhaven RuleBook

Monster Stat ist ic Cards Monster statistic cards give easy access to the base statistics of a given monster type for both its normal and elite variants. A monster’s base statistics will vary depending on the scenario level (see Scenario Level on p. 15 for details). Each edge of the cards, on both sides, reflects the statistics for a given scenario level. Rotate or flip the card to show the required level.

Bandit Guard


6 9 3 2 2 3 - -

Shield 1

Summon Living Bones 1: 2: Bandit Commander Monster

A monster stat sleeve should be used to track damage and condition tokens and to hide the unneeded information for other unused levels.

Bandit Guard

Bandit Guard




6 9 3 2 2 3 - -

6 10 3 2 3 4 - -

Shield 1

Shield 1

10 x C 3 3 -

Move to next door and reveal room

Level 1 Monster

Level 2 Monster

A MONSTER STATISTIC CARD INCLUDES: • The monster’s name and level of the statistic set corresponding to the scenario level. • Sections for normal and elite versions of this monster. • A monster’s hit point value , which is the amount of damage that needs to be inflicted on the monster before it dies. • A monster’s movement value , the base number of hexes a monster can move with a Move action. • A monster’s attack value , the base amount of damage the monster does with an Attack action. • A monster’s range value , which is the base number of hexes away from the monster’s own hex that the monster can reach with an attack or a heal. A “–” as the range value signifies the monster’s normal Attack action can only target adjacent hexes (i.e., a melee attack). • Any special traits this monster type possesses . These traits are permanent and persist from round to round. These traits may include Flying, which is symbolized by next to the monster’s name (see Move on p. 19 for details). i j Boss e f h g a b c d













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