Gloomhaven Scenario Book

Kill both Inox Bodyguards Goal : Jekserah’s Plans (Party) COMPLETE and The Dead Invade (Global) INCOMPLETE Requirements : Gloomhaven Warehouse Links: Gloomhaven # 8 C-18

Introduction :

Conclusion :

surely divine the coward’s location for you, if you can get her to cooperate.” 14 7

At the behest of your mysterious contact, you sneak towards Jekserah’s warehouse under the cover of night. With any luck, you’ll be able to uncover her plans and put a stop to them. Hoping to find the warehouse largely abandoned, you instead discover that it is teeming with undead. At least that gives you a better idea of her plans. She’s clearly been using the necromantic scroll you delivered to raise the undead within the city walls, and now it is time to put them back to rest.

With the battle behind you, you look out the window and see no evidence of the fleeing Valrath. You’ve stopped her plans for now, but after your brief conversation, it is clear you need to hunt her down before she can make good on her threats. 13 “She’s beyond my network,” the city guard Argeise says with a shrug when you ask her later. “We’d like to make sure she won’t cause more trouble, but she’s fled the city, and I’m not about to go traipsing through the wilds. “You might have more luck with the Aesther enchanter in town,” she suggests. “She can

New Locations :

Global Achievement : Vibrant Grotto 7 (C-12), Temple of the Seer 13 (N-3), Frozen Hollow 14 (C-10)

The Merchant Flees

Reward :

+2 reputation


Barreling through the gauntlet of storage shelves, traps, and undead, you finally make it to the back room of the warehouse, face- to-face with Jekserah and her two Inox bodyguards. “So, you’ve decided to disrupt my plans instead of help me? You will regret that decision when I return to Gloomhaven with a legion of undead at my back!” Moving with great speed, Jekserah turns and runs from you, flipping out a window. You make a move to pursue her, but the two gargantuan Inox block your advance.


Living Bones

Living Corpse


Inox Bodyguard (Boss)

G2b I2b I1a Maps :

Damage Trap (x3)

Treasure Tile (x1)

Cabinet (x2)

Bookcase (x4)

Shelf (x2)


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