Gloomhaven Scenario Book

Kill the Merciless Overseer and loot the treasure tile Goal : The Merchant Flees (Global) INCOMPLETE Requirements : Diamond Mine # 9 L-2

Links: None

Conclusion :

Introduction :

New Locations :

Ignoring Argeise’s warnings, you head to the diamond mine. “Sinister machinations” is, of course, a troubling phrase to throw around, but the phrase “considerable reward” trumps that in a heartbeat. Heading into the damp underground cavern, you were expecting to find a few scraggly Vermlings to make easy work of. You certainly weren’t expecting a pack of vicious hounds guarding the entrance. Finding this diamond may prove more difficult than originally anticipated. You move through a tight crawlspace clearly more suited to the ratlike Vermlings into a large chamber full of rubble and Vermling miners on high alert. Toward the back of the chamber, a man in a dark robe cracks a whip and begins spitting orders at the miners, who turn their pickaxes away from the stone walls and toward you. 1

With the overseer dead and the diamond in hand, you head back to Jekserah to claim your reward. Her bodyguards escort you inside the manor where you find her somehow different—more harrowed and grim. “Wonderful.” She exchanges the diamond for a large purse full of coins. “This will serve beautifully as a focus for the incantations. I wonder if the cultists even knew what they had here. With this, I can summon an entire army of undead!” She turns to you with a strange glint in her eye. “So then! Are you ready to overthrow the military of Gloomhaven and put control of the city into the hands of the Merchant’s Guild? 11 Or do you not have the stomach to effect real change?” 12

Gloomhaven Square A 11 (B-16), Gloomhaven Square B 12 (B-16)

Global Achievement :

The Dead Invade

Rewards : 20 gold each +1 prosperity


Boss Special 1:

N1a I2a Maps :

All Vermling Scouts immediately take an extra turn using the action card drawn for them this round.

Boss Special 2:

The Merciless Overseer summons two normal Vermling Scouts for two characters, one normal and one elite Vermling Scout for three characters, or two elite Vermling Scouts for four characters.



Vermling Scout

Merciless Overseer (Boss)

STUN Trap (x3)

Boulder (x5)

Treasure Tile (x1)

Large Boulders (x4)


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